Snow Sports Merit Badge

* I will be in touch to discuss the final stages for those that worked on this.

If you are going on the ski trip you will have an opportunity to earn the Snow Sports Merit Badge if interested. To earn the MB like all MB’s there is a certain review of skiing/snowboarding information, safety & first aid as well as actual demonstrating skiing or snowboarding aptitude. To complete the merit badge you will be either able to demonstrate in either skiing or snow boarding. Several parts can easily be completed by normal skiing or snowboarding. There are a couple of parts you would need to demonstrate. I know as a former boy scout there were several merit badges that I could have earned if I had the opportunity to. With the ski trip this allows you the opportunity to complete/work on a merit badge while enjoying the trip. I am planning on having a meeting to complete/work on the classroom part next Monday, Martin Luther King Day at 6 pm at the scout post prior to normal 7 pm troop meeting. If you are unable to attend that preliminary meeting please let me know and I can perhaps schedule a second meeting for those that can’t make it. You will need to get a signed blue card from Quint. Please let me know if you have any questions or are interested and I can let you know the details.



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