Nobscot April 08

Hello Troop 14 warriors. I wanted to send out an email to all the scouts and parents of Troop 14 that went to this past weekends trip.

First I would like to address the scouts, because without them, Troop 14 wouldn’t exist. You guys are an awesome group. You need to know that. All of you did a great job. For the new scouts, your teamwork was very nice to see. You all had a smile on the entire week. Any bumps in the road were dealt with swiftly and without resistance. You are true Troop 14 scouts. As for the older scouts, I know you had a different role than your used to when camping but you met that challenge with patience and understanding (and a little rope). Thank you it did not go unnoticed.

New parents and new leaders: Hope we didn’t scare you off! LOL I hope you were as proud of your son as much as I was. They really showed to me, you, the older boys, other leaders, and most importantly – themselves how much they can do. They know now the difference between Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts, and by the look in their eyes, they like it. For the new leaders, I hope you had fun and at the same time learned a bit as well. It’s not all work work work. And lastly the parents that attended because they just love the outdoors: Bill, Lester, Dawn, Steph, Kelly – Thank you for coming and helping out. Your presence was greatly appreciated.

Proud to be Scoutmaster
Troop 14

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