Author Archives: admin

Saco River Canoe Trip August 27-29

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Advancement Monday’s

Summer Advancement Monday’s – July 26, Aug 2, 9, 16 & 23
From the end of July and through most of August until Fall Meetings officially start Monday evenings at the Scout Post on August 30th you can sign up and drop by and work on advancement. These will be opportunities to work on Merit Badges, rank advancement or get direction. If no scout signs up for a specific Monday by 5 pm the leaders will cancel the meeting. (Parents must be around to provide 2 deep leadership or to pick if it ends earlier)

Uniform is Class B’s.
Location: 2 Maple Street, Bellingham, MA

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Saturday Eagle Court of Honor

Saturday Troop 14 will be having the Eagle Court of Honor for Shui Li Eu Balint and Jack DeMeritt at 5 pm.

Bottle & Can Drive Saturday

June 19th scouts meet at the Scout Post at 9 am in Class B’s

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Troop 14 Thomas Ulsh

It is an honor and privilege to announce that tonight at the Virtual Headwaters District Eagle Board of Mayflower Council, our own Thomas Ulsh attained Scouting’s highest rank, that of Eagle Scout!

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Troop 14 Diego Fuenmayor

It is an honor and privilege to announce that tonight at the Virtual Headwaters District Eagle Board, our own Diego Fuenmayor attained Scouting’s highest rank, that of Eagle Scout!

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Game Masters Retired

Today, June 16, 2021 the last of the Game Master’s Patrol turned 18. This patrol was founded in 2014 at their crossover from Pack 100 and 120 respectively and produced 7 Eagle Scouts. Congratulations and good luck.

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